Arrow (2012)
Τίτλος Παραγωγής: Arrow
Μετά από ένα βίαιο ναυάγιο, ο νεαρός δισεκατομμυριούχος, Όλιβερ Κουίν, είναι αγνοούμενος και θεωρείται νεκρός για μια πενταετία, μέχρι που τον βρίσκουν ζωντανό σε ένα απομονωμένο νησάκι του Ειρηνικού. Όταν επιστρέφει πίσω στην πόλη του, τo Στάρλινγκ Σίτι, η αφοσιωμένη μητέρα του, Μόιρα, η πολυαγαπημένη του αδελφή, Θία, και ο καλύτερος του φίλος, Τόμι, τον καλωσορίζουν σπίτι, καταλαβαίνουν όμως πως ο Όλιβερ έχει αλλάξει αρκετά μετά τις δοκιμασίες που πέρασε στο ερημονήσι. Όσο ο Όλιβερ προσπαθεί να κρύψει την αλήθεια για το πως άλλαξε ο χαρακτήρας του, τον καταλαμβάνει η επιθυμία να επανορθώσει για τα λάθη που έκανε όσο ήταν μικρός. Πιο συγκεκριμένα αναζητεί την λύτρωση στο πρόσωπο της πρώην φιλενάδας του, Λόρελ Λανς, την οποία απατούσε με την αδελφή της πριν το ναυάγιο. Και όσο ο Όλιβερ προσπαθεί να έρθει ξανά κοντά με τα κοντινά του πρόσωπα, δημιουργεί κρυφά τον χαρακτήρα με όνομα "Πράσινο Βέλος", έναν εκδικητή, που σκοπό έχει να διορθώσει τα λάθη της οικογενείας του, να παλέψει τις κοινωνικές αδικίες, και να επαναφέρει τo Στάρλινγκ Σίτι στις παλιές της δόξες
- Greg Berlanti,
- Marc Guggenheim,
- Andrew Kreisberg,
- Κυκλοφορία: 2012-10-10
- Προβολές: 657900
- Χώρα: US
- Γλώσσα: English
- Διάρκεια: 42
Επεισόδιο 1 - The Calm
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-10-08With crime at an all time low, Oliver decides to take a break and asks Felicity on a date. However, they're interrupted when a new drug dealer take the name of Count Vertigo and targets the Arrow for death. Meanwhile, Diggle becomes an expectant father and a scientist tries to acquire Queen Consolidated before Oliver can retake his family's business.
Επεισόδιο 2 - Sara
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-10-15A mysterious archer known as Komodo appears in town and begins skewering businessmen. Meanwhile, Oliver worries about Thea, which forces Roy to tell him the truth about why she left town; and Ray Palmer pursues Felicity. In a flashback, Oliver is assigned his first kill and the target is his best friend, Tommy.
Επεισόδιο 3 - Corto Maltese
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-10-22Oliver tries to track down Thea in Corto Maltese as Diggle searches for a missing field operative. Meanwhile, Felicity adapts to her new job.
Επεισόδιο 4 - The Magician
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-10-29Nyssa believes that Malcolm killed Sara and goes after him to avenger her lover's murder. Oliver discovers that he has no choice but to stop her, despite Laurel insisting that he avenger her sister's death. Meanwhile, Thea returns to Starling City and settles in... until Nyssa discovers that she's Malcolm's daughter.
Επεισόδιο 5 - The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-11-05Felicity's past as a crusading hacker is revealed when someone uses a super virus that she designed to bring Starling City to a standstill. Meanwhile, Oliver and Thea work on their new relationship, and Felicity's mother pays a visit.
Επεισόδιο 6 - Guilty
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-11-12A killer is murdering his victims and attempting to frame Ted Grant. The Arrow finally comes to his aid after Laurel protests her trainer's innocence. Meanwhile, Roy goes to Felicity for help determining if he killed someone under the influence of Mirakuru.
Επεισόδιο 7 - Draw Back Your Bow
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-11-19The Arrow is stalked by an ex-police officer who he rescued during the Mirakuru siege and has become dangerously obsessed with the hero. Meanwhile, Ray asks Felicity to accompany him to a business dinner, and Thea is forced to hire a new DJ for Verdant.
Επεισόδιο 8 - The Brave and the Bold (II)
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-12-03A crossover event that began on "The Flash" concludes with Oliver teaming with the Flash to stop a boomerang-wielding killer who plants five bombs in the city that are set to explode at the same time.
Επεισόδιο 9 - The Climb
Κυκλοφορία: 2014-12-10Ra's al Ghul sends Nyssa and her lieutenant to Starling City to inform Oliver that the League will kill 50 people a day until Sara's murderer is turned over to them. With time running out, Oliver finally identifies the killer... and realizes that he can never turn them over for execution. Meanwhile, Ray shows Felicity his new project.
Επεισόδιο 10 - Left Behind
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-01-21With Oliver gone, Diggle, Arsenal, and Felicity have their hands full dealing with a new crime lord: Brick. Meanwhile, Ray prepares his battle armor, and in Tibet, a mysterious figure finds Oliver's body.
Επεισόδιο 11 - Midnight City
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-01-28Brick takes three city aldermen hostage and demands that Mayor Castle turn the Glades over to him in return for their safe return. Meanwhile, Felicity turns to Ray for help when she needs a helicopter, and Laurel realizes that she may be in over her head with her new crime fighting carer.
Επεισόδιο 12 - Uprising
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-02-04Brick and his men take over the Glades, and the police are helpless to stop them. With Oliver nowhere to be found, the team seems helpless. Meanwhile, Oliver tries to convince Tatsu to return with him to Starling City, and Malcolm's past before his training at Nanda Parbat is seen.
Επεισόδιο 13 - Canaries
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-02-11Vertigo causes Laurel to hallucinate an epic fight that pits her Black Canary against her sister Sara. Meanwhile, Chase surprises Thea and Roy warns Thea to stay away from Malcolm.
Επεισόδιο 14 - The Return
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-02-18Malcolm puts Oliver and Thea in a dangerous situation that lands them on Lian Yu with Oliver's former enemy Deathstroke. In a flashback, Oliver and Maseo return to Starling City to retrieve the Omega bio weapon.
Επεισόδιο 15 - Nanda Parbat
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-02-25Thea betrays Malcolm to the League, but Oliver sets out to rescue his lover's killer so that Thea won't suffer the guilt of arranging for a parent's death. In the past, Oliver and the Yamashiros are released from custody, but Amanda Waller has other plans.
Επεισόδιο 16 - The Offer
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-03-18After hearing Ra's al Ghul's offer, Oliver returns to Starling City and contemplates whether he should accept it or not. Meanwhile, Quentin turns against the Arrow, and a new villain--Murmur--comes to the city to get revenge.
Επεισόδιο 17 - Suicidal Tendencies
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-03-25While the Arrow tries to track down the imposter killing criminals, Amanda calls Lyla in for a Suicide Squad mission and Diggle insists on accompanying his new wife. However, the Squad soon discovers that their rescue mission isn't what they expected. Meanwhile, Ray learns that Oliver is the Arrow and sets out to bring him in for his crimes.
Επεισόδιο 18 - Public Enemy
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-04-01Ra's makes his next move against Oliver by reveling the Arrow's secret identity to Quentin. Left without alternatives, Oliver has no choice but to surrender. Meanwhile, Ray is injured in an attack and Felicity must take a risk to save his life.
Επεισόδιο 19 - Broken Arrow
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-04-15After Roy confesses that he's the Arrow, Oliver is forced to lie low as Quentin continues his quest to prove that Oliver is the real Arrow. Meanwhile, a metahuman kills two bank guards and Oliver is forced to turn to Ray--as the Atom--for help.
Επεισόδιο 20 - The Fallen
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-04-22Oliver has no choice but to accept Ra's's offer to resurrect Thea. In return, Oliver must become the Heir to the Demon.
Επεισόδιο 21 - Al Sah-him
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-04-29Ra's sets out to transform Oliver into his perfect heir. Meanwhile, Nyssa and Laurel draw closer, but their mentor/student relationship is threatened when Ra's sends men to bring his errant daughter back to Nanda Parbat..
Επεισόδιο 22 - This is Your Sword
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-05-06Ra's tells Nyssa that she must marry Oliver or face death. Meanwhile, an unexpected ally travels to Starling City to ask Diggle, Felicity, and Laurel to help infiltrate Nanda Parbat. In the past, Maseo and Oliver try to find the cure for Akio before it's too late.
Επεισόδιο 23 - My Name Is Oliver Queen
Κυκλοφορία: 2015-05-13With time running out for Starling City, Oliver tries to stop Ra's from unleashing the bioweapon and killing millions.